
Effect: Emotion Control (love)

Action: Reaction (active)

Range: Sensory (scent)

Duration: Sustained (lasting)

Saving Throw: Will

Cost: 4 points per rank

Your body emits exceptionally strong pheromones, bio-chemical cues that affect attraction. Anyone coming within (power rank x 5) feet of you must make a Will saving throw. On a failed save, the subject’s attitude towards you becomes friendly. On a failure by 5 or more, it becomes helpful, and on a failure by 10 or more, the subject becomes fanatically devoted to you (see Interaction, M&M, page 175, for details). The subject gets a new Will save for each interval on the Time Table that passes to shake off the effect.

A successful save means the subject is unaffected by your Pheromones but must make a new saving throw for each interval that passes on the Time Table while in your area of effect (one minute, five minutes, and so forth). Spending a long period of time in close proximity to a character with Pheromones makes all

but the strongest willed likely to fall under the influence of such an individual. Your Pheromones affect others automatically, with no action or effort required on your part, although you still need to interact normally to talk to or order your newly cooperative “followers.” Once affected, subjects can move outside your

radius and remain under your influence until they successfully shake off the effect; those still inside your radius when they do must save against the power again on the following round. Another successful save staves off the effect for at least a minute (when a new save is required). Since Pheromones are carried on the air, subjects that do not breathe— due to Immunity (suffocation) or Life Support, for example—are unaffected, and sensory effects that block scent can temporarily block the effect of your Pheromones as well.


• Affects Insubstantial: A sensory effect, your Pheromones already work on insubstantial beings so long as they need to breathe; those with Immunity suffocation or life support) do not and are unaffected by your power.

• Mental Link: You form a sustained mental link (like the Communication Link effect of Super-Senses) with everyone who fails to save against your Pheromones, allowing you to communicate with them mentally as a free action, making it easier to issue commands to your newly enthralled followers.

• Progression: Each rank of this feat moves the base radius of your Pheromones one step up the Progression Table, from (rank x 5) feet to (rank x 10) feet, (rank x 25) feet, and so forth. The GM sets a reasonable limit on radius, generally around rank x 100 feet, beyond which the concentration of Pheromones

becomes too diffuse.