
Effect: Drain Toughness, Immunity

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: None (see description)

Cost: 5 points + 1 point per rank

You have the power to eat (and safely digest) essentially anything you can fit into your mouth. This may be due to super-strong acids, an internal “nuclear furnace,” magical power from the Spirit of Hunger, or any other appropriate descriptors. Any non-living material you chew on loses Toughness equal to

your Matter-Eater rank each round, when it reaches Toughness 0 you have swallowed and destroyed it. With Matter-Eater 20, you can essentially consume bite-sized chunks of all but the strongest materials automatically each round.

You are completely immune to anything that you swallow, including normally toxic or even radioactive or explosive materials. You can even swallow a live grenade or drink napalm without any harm. You’re still affected by external hazards and by agents that you breathe or that enter your bloodstream, unless you acquire the appropriate Immunity effects.


• Stomach Storage: Rather than destroying an object, you can choose to swallow it whole like a use of Dimensional Pocket at your Matter-Eater power rank and regurgitate it at a later time as a move action. Your power rank determines how much material you can hold, obviously through some form of matter-compression or extra-dimensional storage, unless the GM wants to limit the amount to what would realistically fit in a medium sized person’s stomach, in which case this extra should be made into a power feat.


• Acid: If your Matter-Eater power comes from some sort of super-corrosive digestive acids, you may have the ability to spit acid at short range as a touch attack or even as an Extended Reach or Ranged attack.