Cosmic Energy

Effect: Array (Damage)

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Toughness

Cost: 2 points per rank

You wield primal cosmic power. You can project Blasts of cosmic force doing power rank Ranged Damage. Cosmic Energy Control has a number of other potential effects, depending on how its wielder develops it. See Alternate Powers, following, for details.


Cosmic Energy Control can counter other powers with a cosmic descriptor, particularly those drawing upon a similar power source. It may also counter some electromagnetic energy effects, since it taps into the primal forces of the universe.


The following are suitable Alternate Powers for a Cosmic Energy Control Array. The Gamemaster may approve others as suits the style of the power in the setting.

• Animation: You project cosmic energy to lend objects a semblance of life, gaining the Animate Objects power at two-thirds your Cosmic Energy Control rank.

This application of your power requires a measure of focus, so you can’t perform other cosmic energy effects while maintaining this one.

• Boost: You can enhance your own abilities with cosmic energy, Boosting any one of your traits by a number of power points equal to your Cosmic Energy Control rank, up to your power level limits. As usual, you can only benefit from the effect of one Boost at a time.

• Create Object: You can form solid objects out of cosmic energy, giving you Create Object at your power rank.

• Dazzle: You can create a blinding flash of light to temporarily blind a target, a Visual Dazzle effect at your Cosmic Energy Control rank.

• Healing: By imbuing primal cosmic power into a subject, you can heal injuries with a Healing effect at your power rank.

• Snare: You trap a target in bands of cosmic energy, a Snare effect at your power rank.

• Teleport: You can use cosmic power to bend space itself, allowing you to slip outside normal space-time as a Teleport effect at your Cosmic Energy Control rank.

• Transform: Cosmic power rearranges atoms and molecules at your command, giving you the ability to transmute non-living matter, a Continuous Transform effect at a third of your Cosmic Energy Control power rank. So rank 12 gives you a Transform 4 effect, sufficient to encompass 10 pounds of material per use.

Alternately, you might have more focused Transform effects as separate Alternate Powers, with a higher rank due to their lower individual cost.


• Force Field: You can surround yourself with a protective Force Field of cosmic energy.

• Immortality: Cosmic energy reinforcing your life force allows you to recover from any injury, given time. Apply ranks of the Regeneration effect to resurrection, allowing you to make checks to recover from death.

• Immunity: Many cosmically powered beings are beyond the concerns of ordinary mortals, having some degree of the Immunity effect, ranging from Immunity to Aging to Immunity to Fortitude effects, removing nearly all physical concerns.

• Space Travel: Many characters with cosmic powers have the ability to travel through space at great speeds, going from world to world. Some may use Space Travel Devices (see the Device power) while others travel through space under their own power.