Animal Control

Effect: Mind Control

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Perception

Duration: Sustained (lasting)

Saving Throw: Will

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can exert mental control over animals (creatures with Int 1 or 2 and an “animal” descriptor). See Animals, M&M, page 229–232, for some guidelines. Make a power check against the result of the animal’s Will saving throw. If you succeed, you control the animal’s actions. If you fail, there is no effect. You can try again, but the animal gets a cumulative +1 on Will saves for each successive attempt in the same encounter.

Issuing a command to an animal you control is a move action and requires you to speak or gesture. You can only issue simple commands an animal can understand, like “go there,” “stop,” or “attack.” Animals get a new Will save for each interval on the Time Table, with a cumulative +1 bonus per save. Animals commanded to carry out an action against their nature get a new Will save immediately with a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the type of command. Success breaks your control. Obviously self-destructive commands are automatically ignored, but do not break your control.


• Communication Link: You can give commands to controlled animals over any distance (with no need to speak).


• Sensory Link (+1): You can perceive everything one of your controlled animals does. Your own senses are inactive while you are using your sensory link.


• Limited (–1): You can only control particular kinds of animals, such as avians, sea-life, or reptiles.