
Effect: Stun

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Perception

Duration: Concentration (lasting)

Saving Throw: Will

Cost: 5 points per rank

You can mentally inflict debilitating pain on a target you can accurately perceive. Take a standard action to use the power. The target makes a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Pain rank). A failed save means the target is dazed. A save that fails by 5 or more means the target is stunned, while a save that fails by 10 or more means the target is rendered unconscious by the intense pain. The target gets a new saving throw to shake off the effects of Pain for each interval that passes on the Time Table, beginning one minute after it takes effect, or until you stop concentrating on the power. A save that fails by a greater margin than before increases the power’s effect, as described previously.


• Precise: You can precisely control the level of pain you inflict, allowing you to inflict a lesser level of effect, if you wish (preventing the target from becoming unconscious, for example).

• Reversible: You can remove the effects of your Pain power from a subject at will as a free action.

• Sedation: You can keep a target rendered unconscious by your power from regaining consciousness as a lasting sustained effect (see the Sedation power feat description for details).


• Alternate Save: Pain may rely on a Fortitude save if its effect is more a matter of stimulating the target’s actual nerves or pain receptors than a direct effect on the brain.

• Duration: Sustained Pain requires only a free action each round. Pain generally cannot be continuous in duration, except with the GM’s permission, since Continuous Pain does not allow further saving throws, the condition lasts until it is countered or removed.


• Range: Ranged or touch range Pain requires a successful attack roll to hit the target before the saving throw is made.

• Sense-Dependent: You inflict pain on the target through a sensory medium such as high-frequency sound or light that stimulates pain through the optic nerves. Blocking the affected sense also blocks out the Pain effect.

• Side Effect: If your target successfully saves, your Pain effect is turned inward and you must save against it or be affected yourself!