Spirit Control

Effect: Mind Control, Limited

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Perception

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: Will

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can exert control over spirits and spiritual creatures—usually incorporeal supernatural beings. You must be able to accurately perceive the spirit, so it must either be visible or you need a SuperSense like Accurate Detect Spirits to use it against invisible spirits. The spirit makes a Will save (DC 10 + Spirit Control rank). If the save succeeds, you cannot attempt to control that spirit again in that scene without using extra effort. If the spirit’s save fails, you control

its actions and it must obey your commands. The spirit makes a new saving throw to free itself from your control for each interval that passes on the Time Table, starting at one minute.


• Duration: Continuous duration Spirit Control does not allow new saving throws for the passage of time, although the spirit still gets a new save for particularly onerous commands. Otherwise, your domination of the spirit lasts until nullified or you choose to end it.


Gamemasters may allow other Limited versions of Mind Control similar to Spirit Control for other sorts of creatures that exist in the setting: demons, faeries, aliens, or other such beings.