
ffect: Transform

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Sustained (lasting)

Saving Throw: Fortitude

Cost: 3 points per rank

You can project an effect out to normal range (rank x 100 feet) that turns creatures it strikes into stone. An affected creature makes a Fortitude saving throw; failure means the target is transformed into immobile stone. The petrified subject gets a new saving throw for each interval that passes on the Time Table, with a cumulative +1 bonus per save, until a save is successful, breaking the petrification effect.


• Continuous (+1): Targets petrified by your power remain so until the effect is countered or you choose to reverse it. The target does not receive further saving throws.• Gaze (+0): Your power can affect one target per round that meets your gaze. It is perception range (+1) but Sight Dependent (–1) (see the Sense-Dependent flaw for details on how such effects work). If you petrify anyone who looks at you, this is a net +3 extra (the previous, plus making the power’s action a reaction to an onlooker’s gaze).