
Effect: Variable, Affects Others

Action: Full (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: Will (harmless)

Cost: 6 points per rank

You can bestow powers to others temporarily by touch. You have a pool of (Empowerment rank x 5) power points you can use to grant powers. Once you have bestowed powers with a total cost equal to this amount, you cannot use Empowerment until you “retrieve” some of your allocated power points by taking back powers you have bestowed (which you can do automatically as a free action once per round).

Powers granted by Empowerment do not stack with any existing powers the subject may possess, although you can grant extras and power feats (including Alternate Powers) to existing powers. You can grant Enhanced Traits as powers, and these do stack with existing traits (see the Enhanced Trait effect description). You cannot grant powers beyond the campaign’s power level without explicit Gamemaster permission (non-player characters are obviously assumed to have this permission if they happen to grant such powers). If you stop maintaining this power for any reason, any bestowed powers disappear and must be granted again by another use of this power. Continuous Empowerment is not affected by this, but retains the limit of not being able to grant more than (rank x 5) power points in powers at any given time. Empowerment cannot be permanent; such things are best reserved as plot devices.