Time Stop

Effect: Paralyze

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: Reflex

Cost: 7 points per rank

You can “freeze” time in an area of (rank x 5) feet in radius. Targets in the affected area can make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + Time Stop rank). A failed save means the target is trapped in the area of frozen time, helpless and unable to move, not even aware of the passage of time, since it has effectively stopped, so far as the target is concerned. A successful save means the target is unaffected and can still move or act normally.

Anything frozen in time is completely unaffected by outside events or forces: subjects in the area cannot be damaged, affected by other powers, and so forth. Of course, it’s possible to set up extremely dangerous events that are set in motion once the Time Stop ends: placing an explosive directly on a target so that it

“appears” out of nowhere and goes off when the effect ends, for example. Time Stop is primarily useful for the ability to move around in the area of stopped time without being noticed and having near-unlimited time to do things there.


• No Saving Throw (+1): Targets in the area of your Time Stop power do not receive a saving throw; anyone in the area is automatically frozen in time. Gamemasters may wish to restrict this modifier to non-player characters, given its effectiveness.


he power to stop time is a considerable one, to say the least. The version of Time Stop presented here is reasonably balanced: costing a hefty amount

per rank and offering a saving throw against its effect, plus leaving subjects immune to outside effects for the duration. Time Stop without these

limitations is generally better left as a plot device in the hands of NPCs under the control of the Gamemaster. This is generally true of the No Saving

Throw extra as well.

A limited ability to influence events while moving at a greatly accelerated speed relative to the rest of the world can be duplicated with Quickness,

possibly coupled with Concealment (making it difficult, if not impossible, to perceive you while using the effect). Gamemasters may wish to offer this

as an alternative for players of time-controlling heroes; indeed, Super-Speed effects are already a part of the Time Control power.