
Effect: Ranged Damage

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Toughness

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can make a damaging ranged attack. It might be a blast of energy, a projectile (arrow, bullet, throwing blade, etc.), or some similar effect. Assign your Blast

one or more appropriate descriptors like Fire Blast, Ice Blast, or Laser Blast. You make a ranged attack roll to hit the target. The attack’s damage equals your power rank.


• Deflect: Some characters use Blast to block incoming attacks, with the level of Deflect depending on the types of attacks the Blast can block. Generally, Blast-based Deflect works against all physical attacks and may work on energy attacks as well, depending on the descriptors. Note this effect is separate from the ability to use Blast to counter certain effects, which is an automatic quality of all effects, depending on their descriptors.

• Flight: Some characters use Blast as a means of rocket propulsion, projecting the blast behind them and flying through the air. The GM may wish to allow Blast-powered Flight as an Alternate Power if the character is unable to use the Blast power at all while in Flight (at least not without turning off the Flight effect and falling).

• Leaping: A blaster may be able to direct the force of a Blast at the ground as a means of propulsion, a kind of “jump jet” which is less sophisticated than Flight (previously), but good for throwing the character into the air toward a destination, functionally the same as the Leaping effect.