
Type: Attack

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Instant (lasting)

Saving Throw: Will (staged)

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can reduce a target’s speed and reaction time. Make an attack roll, if successful, the target makes a Will saving throw. If the save fails, the target is slowed and can only take a standard or move action each round (not both). The target takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Defense, and Reflex saves. A slowed target moves at half normal speed. If the save fails by 5 or more, or on a second successful attack, the target is paralyzed: helpless and unable to move or take any actions. The target gets a new Will save each round to overcome the effect, with a +1 bonus per previous save.


• Area: An Area Paralyze effect works on everyone in the area; each target makes a saving throw against the effect, with the results determined individually, although the GM may choose to make a single save for a group of minions or other minor characters.


• Sense-Dependent: A perception range Paralyze effect might be dependent on a visual hypnotic pattern, an entrancing song or note, or some similar sensory requirement.

• Slow (–1): Your Paralyze effect cannot inflict more than a slow result.