
Type: Attack

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Instant (lasting)

Saving Throw: Fortitude (staged)

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can inflict weakness on a target. You may do so through nausea, momentary illness, pain, or even extreme pleasure. You must touch the target, who makes a Fortitude saving throw. If the save fails, the target is sickened, suffering a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and checks. If the save fails by 5 or more, or on a second successful use of the effect, the target is nauseated, unable to do anything other than take a single move action each round. If the save fails by 10 or more, or on a third successful use of the effect, the target is helpless. The victim gets a new saving throw each round to recover from the effects, with a +1 bonus for each previous save.


• Alternate Save: Nauseate might be based on Will save as a +0 modifier to represent a mental influence, induced vertigo,or some similar effect.

• Area: An Area Nauseate effect works on all subjects in the affected area; a Burst Area Will Nauseate effect can represent a “vertigo field” surrounding the user, for example, while a Cloud Area Scent-Dependent Nauseate effect might be a lingering sickening stench emitted by the user.

• Duration: Longer lasting Nauseate effects may represent more serious conditions, including serious illness or disruptions to a target’s physical or mental faculties.


• Sense-Dependent: Nauseate is often Sense-Dependent, particularly Scent-Dependent to represent a sickening odor, although it can just as easily be Sight-Dependent (nauseating swirls of color or light) or Hearing-Dependent (ultrasonics inducing dizziness or nausea).

• Sicken (–1): Your effect cannot inflict more than a sickened result.