Prehensile Hair

Effect: Additional Limbs,Elongation

Action: None (see description)

Range: Personal

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 1 point per rank

Your hair can animate and grasp objects as if it were one or more fine tentacles. Not surprisingly, this power is almost universally limited to super-women with full heads of hair. At rank 1, your Prehensile Hair is capable of stretching to reach objects adjacent to you (within normal arm’s reach). For each additional power rank, choose one of the following effects:

• Your Prehensile Hair can form additional manipulative tendrils; each rank applied to this increases the total number of tendrils by one step on the Progression Table (two, then five, ten, and so forth).

• Your Prehensile Hair can extend a greater distance; each rank applied to this provides 1 rank of the Elongation effect.


Although Prehensile Hair is generally used like one or more extra limbs, it can potentially provide various Alternate Powers, such as the following:

• Hair-Blower: Whirling your hair like a fan kicks up a stiff wind, like a use of Super-Breath at half your Prehensile Hair power rank (see the Super-Breath power feat of Super-Strength).

• Hair-Catcher: You can use your Prehensile Hair to knock aside 9slow projectiles as a Deflect effect at your power rank.

• Hair-Net: Your animated hair can entrap a target like a Snare effect with the Engulf modifier at half your Prehensile Hair power rank.


• Extended Reach: Since Prehensile Hair is a personal range power (with its reach determined by allocation of power ranks) this power feat does not apply to it.