Plant Mimicry

Effect: Variable

Action: Free (active)

Range: Personal

Duration: Continuous

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 9 points per rank

You can gain the traits of various plants, transforming to become more plant-like. You gain physical traits up to a total of (rank x 5) character points in cost and you can change your acquired plant traits once per round as a free action. This is much like a Plant Form power (see Alternate Form) you can reconfigure at will with different plant traits. So one round you can be as tough and strong as a tree, the next you can have the suppleness and reach of a creeper or vine, or the floating qualities of a lily pad, and for forth. You retain your mimicked plant traits until you choose to change them or your power is nullified in some way.


The following are some sample plant traits you can acquire with Plant Mimicry. They’re by no means the only ones, and the GM can allow any additional traits that suit the power’s descriptors as desired.

• Additional Limbs: You sprout branch- or vine-like Additional Limbs you can use as extra “hands” to manipulate objects.

• Bark: Tough bark grows over your skin, giving you Protection.

• Burrowing: Root-like structures allow you to dig into the ground as a Burrowing effect.

• Growth: You grow to the size of a large tree, gaining ranks of Growth, with all the associated effects.

• Elongation: You can elongate your limbs like vines or creepers, providing an Elongation effect.

• Immunity: In addition to photosynthesis (see the following) you can adapt plant-like Immunity to conditions like the need for sleep, to diseases and poisons affecting animals but not plants, or to critical hits (5 ranks for all of them at once).

• Photosynthesis: Your skin becomes green-tinged with chlorophyll, allowing you to photosynthesize food from water and sunlight and giving you Immunity 1 (starvation).

• Poison: You can affect a target with plant-based toxins by touch, giving you one or more of Drain, Fatigue, Damage, Nauseate, or Stun with the Poison modifier.

• Regeneration: You can heal rapidly from damage; apply Plant Mimicry points to the Regeneration effect, including the Regrowth power feat, letting you regenerate lost limbs and organs as well.

• Rooting: Digging roots into the earth with each step you apply points to the Immovable effect, making it more difficult to move you from that spot.

• Thorns: You grow sharp thorns along you hands and arms, applying points to a Damage effect, possibly with the Mighty power feat to allow your Strength bonus to stack with it.


• Subject Required (–1): You require a specific plant subject to mimic, so you cannot mimic the traits of any plant, just those within (power rank) miles of you. Your power is very effective in a forest or jungle, less so in a desert or downtown urban environment (unless there is a park or other green area nearby).


• Vulnerable: A plant mimic might be vulnerable to effects that damage plants, such as intense cold or vulnerable to burning like wood (taking more damage from fire and heat attacks).

• Weakness: A plant mimic may suffer harm from things like herbicides (loss of Constitution) or from being placed in an environment with little or no plant-life, such as a desert or a desolate urban area.