
Effect: Stun

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Instant (lasting)

Saving Throw: Fortitude

Cost: 3 points per rank

You can cause targets to fall into a deep sleep. If your ranged attack succeeds, the target makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + Sleep rank). If the save succeeds, there’s no effect. If it fails, the target is dazed. If it fails by 5 or more, the target is stunned, and if it fails by 10 or more, the subject falls into a deep sleep.

The target makes a new Fortitude check to recover from being dazed or stunned each round. Sleeping targets make recovery checks to wake up only once per hour rather than once per minute, but may be awoken by loud noise (make a Notice check for the subject with a –10 modifier, a successful check means the subject wakes up). Someone taking an aid action can awaken a sleeping character automatically. A sleeping character that takes damage automatically wakes up.


• Reversible: You can remove the effects of your Sleep power at will as a free action, automatically allowing the target to recover.

• Sedation: This modifier keeps subjects put to sleep by your power from being awoken by noise or outside intervention, the subject must make a successful Fortitude save to awaken instead.


• Cloud Area: This modifier is useful for a “sleep gas” or similar effect that covers an area and persists briefly before fading.

• Duration: Sustained duration Sleep allows a new save to recover from the daze and stun effects for each interval that passes on the Time Table rather than each round. Continuous Sleep does not allow new Fortitude saves to recover or regain consciousness; the effect lasts until it is countered or the target is awakened in some other way.