Dimensional Pocket

Effect: Dimensional Movement Attack

Action: Standard/Move (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Instant (lasting)

Saving Throw: Reflex/Will

Cost: 2 points per rank

You have a “pocket” dimension capable of holding an amount of material, or even creatures. Your Dimensional Pocket has a 100 lb. capacity at rank 1. Each additional rank moves it one step up the Progression Table. You can store up to your maximum capacity of items in your pocket, retrieving them at a later time.

If you try to fit an item into your pocket that would exceed your capacity, nothing happens. You cannot store only part of a creature or object’s mass; it either fits entirely inside your pocket or it does not. Moving things into and out of your pocket is a move action. You can trap opponents in your dimensional pocket, if you have sufficient capacity to hold them. Make a melee attack roll. The target gets a Reflex save to avoid being trapped. A trapped target can use dimensional Movement to escape automatically. Additionally, the trapped target gets a Will save each round to escape from your pocket with a cumulative +1 bonus for each previous save.


• Progression: You can apply this feat to improve your Dimensional Pocket’s capacity independent of its rank. It retains its rank for other purposes, particularly saving throw DC. This allows you to have a high-capacity pocket with a low save DC, for example.


• Area: You can grab any creatures or loose objects in the affected area and store them in your Dimensional Pocket, provided their total mass doesn’t exceed

its capacity. To choose which things are drawn into your pocket and which are not, apply the Selective Attack extra.

• Aura: With this extra, anyone touching or grappling you, or that you grapple, may be pulled into your Dimensional Pocket; the target makes a normal Reflex save to avoid being trapped. Your Dimensional Pocket must be at least concentration duration to apply this extra.

• Duration: A concentration or sustained Dimensional Pocket allows additional saving throws by intervals on the Time Table, while a continuous Dimensional Pocket does not allow additional saving throws at all; trapped subjects must find some other means of escape or await rescue from outside.

• Range: A ranged Dimensional Pocket can “consume” targets at a distance with a ranged attack roll, pulling them inside your pocket on a successful attack roll and a failed save. A perception range Dimensional Pocket can do the same at perception range, with no attack roll required.


• Feedback: Subjects trapped inside your Dimensional Pocket can attack you in order to break free from it: a damaging attack is made against your normal Defense and you use your Dimensional Pocket rank in place of your normal Toughness save. All such attacks are treated as non-lethal damage; if an attack stuns you then trapped subjects get a new saving throw to escape. If an attack renders you unconscious, all trapped subjects are automatically freed.

• Grapple Required: To trap a mobile opponent in your Dimensional Pocket, you must first pin the target with a grapple. The pinned target receives a normal

saving throw to avoid being trapped and must continue to save on each round you achieve a pin on the grapple.


• Device: The cost of Dimensional Pocket does not include any Devices or Equipment you might have stored there. You must acquire these separately with the Device structure and Equipment feat.

• Dimensional Movement: You may have the ability to “fold” your Dimensional Pocket around you in order to move from one dimension to another. You don’t need Affects Others to carry “passengers” so long as they are inside your Dimensional Pocket when you move, but you do need the extra to bring people along outside the confines of your pocket.

• ESP: You can use your Dimensional Pocket as a medium or “window” to see other places. If your ESP extends into dimensions other than your home dimension, apply the Dimensional power feat to your ESP effect.

• Insubstantial: You can phase your body partially into another dimension (such as your pocket dimension), rendering you incorporeal (Insubstantial 4) in the material world.

• Teleport: By “folding” through your Dimensional Pocket as described previously, you can move from place to place in your home dimension, giving you the Teleport effect.

Example: Black Hole can absorb mass into an other-dimensional void: Dimensional Pocket 10 gives Singularity a total capacity of 100,000 lbs. Eleven ranks of the Progression power feat improve that to a billion pounds (500,000 tons), sufficient for Black Hole to absorb something as massive as a large building in one

“gulp.” To affect such massive areas, the GM applies the Explosion extra (for a base 100-foot radius) and one more Progression rank (to increase the radius to 250 feet). Black Hole “black hole effect” is also always active, so the GM improves duration to Continuous (+3 extra), then applies the Aura (+1 extra) and Permanent (–1 flaw) modifiers; Singularity cannot “turn off ” her effect; it works on anything coming into contact with her area. Since Singularity’s own form is incorporeal, the Affects Corporeal extra (+1) also applies. Finally, the GM decides Singularity will reach even her massive capacity quickly and so applies a special +0 modifier, saying that any non-living matter drawn into the singularity is irretrievable, but it’s capacity “resets” every round. Living creatures still count

against capacity and can attempt escape normally (but Singularity isn’t likely to consume a billion pounds of living creatures right away).

Totaling things up, the GM comes up with a final modifier of +5, for a cost of 7 points per rank, or 70 character points, plus 12 points in power feats, for a total

cost of 82 points. Anyone within 250 feet of Black Hole must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10) to avoid being caught and pulled into her black hole, with the DC increasing by +1 per 25 feet closer to her (to a maximum of DC 20 adjacent to her). Looking things over, the GM decides it makes more sense for Strength

to oppose the intense gravitational pull, so he applies a +0 Alternate Save modifier, substituting a Strength check (including knockback modifiers from size, Immovability, and Super-Strength) for the Reflex save. Final cost remains the same.