Dream Control

Effect: Illusion, Limited

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Perception

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: Will (see description)

Cost: 3 points per rank

You can project dreams into a subject’s mind while they sleep, causing them to experience whatever you want while they dream. This works like an Illusion effect at your power rank, with the added benefit that most subjects do not tend to disbelieve dreams, since they already know they are not real. The Gamemaster should judge circumstances of disbelief in your crafted dream images accordingly.

The dreams are full sensory experiences and seem particularly vivid and realistic (as much as you choose to make them). The dreams you craft are just that, dreams, and have no direct effect on the subject, although troubling dreams may cause loss of sleep or have other psychological effects. The GM may call for a power check or an appropriate skill check (such as Bluff or Intimidate) to measure the effectiveness of any psychological tactics. The superstitious may believe especially vivid dreams are visions, divine guidance, or evidence of possession or other supernatural troubles. To affect a subject, you must either be able to accurately perceive them while they are sleeping, or you must “tag” them with your power while they are awake (and you can accurately perceive them).

So long as you sustain your Dream Control power until the next time the victim sleeps, the power will take hold then and the subject will begin to dream as you



• Triggered: With this feat you can “tag” a subject (as described previously) without needed to maintain Dream Control; the power activates automatically the next time the subject goes to sleep. You can either pre-program a particular dream sequence or choose to oversee and direct it, as you prefer.


• Damaging (+3): The dreams you craft are so realistic they can actually inflict psychosomatic harm (see the Damaging extra of the Illusion effect for details).