Kinetic Control

Effect: Array (Damage)

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Toughness

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can generate and project kinetic energy as a blast of force, a Ranged Damage effect equal to your Kinetic Control power rank. You can also develop a number of Alternate Powers based on manipulating kinetic energy.


Kinetic Control can counter other kinetic-energy channeling effects, notably force or impact Damage effects or Move Object effects. Note that Kinetic Control shouldn’t offer a broad-based ability to counter all physical attacks without acquiring Deflect as an alternate or additional power.


The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Kinetic Control Array:

• Boost Movement: By touch, you can channel kinetic energy to boost a subject’s movement speed, imparting a Boost Movement effect equal to your Kinetic Control power rank.

• Deflect: You can drain away or redirect the kinetic energy of incoming physical projectiles, giving you Deflect (slow and fast projectiles) at your Kinetic Control power rank.

• Drain Movement: The opposite of Boost Movement (previously), you can drain away kinetic energy by touch, inflicting a Drain Movement effect equal to your

Kinetic Control power rank.

• Move Object: Through careful manipulation of kinetic energy, you can cause objects to move as you wish without touching them, a Move Object effect at your Kinetic Control rank.

• Nullify Movement: You can remove the kinetic energy of a moving object all at once, leaving it momentarily at rest, a Nullify Movement effect at your power rank. Self-powered objects can start moving again on the following round by reactivating their movement effect.

• Slow: You drain kinetic energy from a target to slow it down, a Ranged Paralyze effect with the Slow flaw at a rank equal to your Kinetic Control rank. Without the Slow flaw, you can truly paralyze targets, but rank is reduced to two-thirds.


• Flight: By channeling kinetic energy to provide thrust, you can soar through the air, gaining Flight.

• Force Field: You surround yourself in a protective Force Field of kinetic energy, or perhaps reflexively drain away the kinetic energy of incoming attacks (if your Force Field is Limited to only physical damage and doesn’t work against energy damage).

• Immovable: You can absorb the kinetic energy of an impact to keep it from moving you, giving you an Immovable effect (possibly with Unstoppable, if you can produce the same effect while moving).

• Speed: Directing more kinetic energy into your own movement, you can move at super-human speeds.