Time Control

ffect: Array, Quickness, Speed

Action: Move (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: See description

Cost: 7 points per rank

You can control the flow of time. You have all the benefits of Super-Speed by changing proportional relationship with the flow of time and can share them with one other character in your range (the same as Super-Speed with Affects Others and Ranged). You can acquire any of Super-Speed’s power feats as Time Control feats.


Time Control can counter various temporal effects as well as time dependent effects like Quickness, or powers like Super-Speed. Certain dimensional-influencing powers may be able to counter Time Control effects at the GM’s discretion. For example, the ability to “stretch” space might be able to counter the ability to “compress” time for purposes of moving quickly.


In addition to the various Alternate Power feats given for SuperSpeed, the following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Time Control Array. They’re based on the built-in Array of the power (2 points per rank).

• Healing: You can accelerate the natural healing process, providing the Healing effect at your Time Control power rank.

• Temporal Fugue: You can summon duplicates of yourself from different time periods, giving you Duplication with the Heroic and Real modifiers at your Time Control power rank. You need a Time Control rank at least equal to your character point total divided by 15 to effectively use this effect; apply additional power points to the Progression power feat or other modifiers.

• Time Stop: You can use your Time Control to stop time as the Time Stop power (see the power description, following).


• Immunity: Common Immunities related to Time Control include aging (1 rank) and temporal effects (generally 1 rank, although the GM may require 2 or 5 ranks if such effects are more common in the setting).

• Super-Senses: Super-Senses involving improved perception of time relate to Time Control, possibilities include postcognition, precognition, temporal awareness (for sensing other temporal effects), and time sense.