Sonic Control

Effect: Array (Dazzle)

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Reflex/Fortitude

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can generate a deafening blast of sound in a radius of (rank x 5) feet at normal range that acts as an Auditory Dazzle effect.


Sonic Control can counter itself and other sonic and hearing-based effects by creating interfering patterns of sound waves. Likewise, some hearing-dependent effects that generate sound waves (audible or ultrasonic) may be able to counter Sonic Control.

At the GM’s discretion, Sonic Control may also be able to counter some effects vulnerable to vibrations. Likewise, things that dampen out vibration might be able to counter sonic effects. This includes vacuum, since sound waves need a medium through which to travel.


The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Sonic Control Array:

• Blast: A focused blast of sonic energy can create a Ranged Damage effect.

• Burst: You project sonic energy in all directions, out to (rank x 5) feet, inflicting sonic damage equal to your power rank.

• Focused Dazzle: You can focus your sonic projection to make an Auditory Dazzle attack against a single target in perception range.

• Obscure: You can create sonic vibrations to counteract other sound waves in an area of (rank x 5) feet anywhere within perception range, an Auditory Obscure effect. In addition to making it difficult for targets to communicate and hear approaching foes, it counters hearing-dependent effects.

• Shatter: Focused sonic vibrations can reduce the Toughness of any crystalline structure object in perception range, setting up a harmonic that can shatter it. It includes materials like ice, glass, crystal, most forms of stone and many metals.

• Illusion: Your control over sound is fine-tuned enough to create auditory illusions, a Sustained Audible Illusion effect.

• Nauseate: You project sound waves that interfere with a target’s inner-ear, causing vertigo and nausea, a Ranged Nauseate effect at two-thirds your Sonic Control power rank.

• Stun: A sharp burst of focused sound creates a Ranged Stun effects at two-thirds your Sonic Control power rank.


• Precise: You can modulate your sonic powers to exactly duplicate any tone.


• Concealment: The power to control sound may grant you an Auditory Concealment effect like the Silence power.

• Flight: Using projected sound waves to “glide” through the air, you can fly, possibly with the Gliding flaw, although some sonic controllers have true Flight. If you use ultrasonic waves, your Flight isn’t any more noticeable than a normal effect (except to those with ultra-hearing); if your Flight is accompanied by a piercing shriek, apply the Noticeable drawback, or even a Linked Auditory Dazzle or Obscure effect.

• Force Field: You can form a shield of sonic energy around your body to deflect attacks, giving you the Force Field power.

• Immunity: The ability to control sonic energy may also grant a measure of Immunity to it. You might be immune to sonic Dazzle effects (1 rank), to sonic damage (5 ranks), or to all sonic effects (10 ranks).

• Sensory Shield: Rather than (or in addition to) Immunity, a sonic controller could have Sensory Shield (hearing), providing a bonus on saves against hearing-dependent effects.

• Sound Absorption: You have the Absorption power, Limited to sonic energy (a –2 modifier).

• Super-Senses: The following Super-Senses effects are particular appropriate for a character with Sonic Control: enhanced hearing (particularly accurate or extended hearing), sonar, ultra-hearing, and tremorsense (for picking up minute vibrations).