
Effect: Communication

Action: Free (active)

Range: Extended

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 1 point per rank

You can interface with computers over a distance. Choose a sensory medium, as with the Communication effect (see Communication in the previous chapter). Datalink is typically a mental or radio sense effect. Your power has a range of 10 feet at rank 1. Additional ranks increase your range on the Extended Range Table. To interface with an unfamiliar computer, you must be able to accurately sense it, or you must search for it (see Extended Searches, M&M, page 53). You can use the Computers skill on a computer while interfaced with it, taking the usual time. This power works as a Mental Communication effect on intelligent computers.


• Cyberspace: You can project your consciousness into the “cyberspace” of a computer network, operating “inside” the system. Your physical body remains unconscious and helpless while your mind is in cyberspace.


• Deflect Weapons: You can deflect electronic weapons by interfering with their targeting and guidance systems, giving you a Deflect effect at your Datalink power rank, but only effective against electronically targeted or guided attacks.

• Machine Control: In addition to digital devices, you can mentally control and operate machines. You can operate any machine in your range as if you were physically operating it or had a remote control for it, a Move Object effect at your power rank (Limited to only affecting machines). You make normal use of your various skills to operate machines, if necessary.