Surrealism Collage/Painting



For this project we had to put together a surreal collage. In order to make the collage I cut out part from magazines and put them together on a piece of paper. I then used the grid method to make sure everything was placed in the correct spots when I started to paint. I first started to paint the background making sure I add the correct colors to the sky so it wasn't too blue and not too green. I later went back through the background with a lighter blue to give it an ombre effect. I then worked on the mountains. The mountains were difficult because there were spots of white but it was more gray and it had to be place in the correct spots. One thing I found difficult was painting the sun. The sun was difficult to paint because the yellow colors faded into the blue sky. In order to finally paint the sun correctly I tried painting it and fixing it 4 times. One thing I could improve on next time is making sure each color is perfectly matching. In these images that blue skies on the collage and painting appear to be different but thats just because of the pictures. In reality the blue skies were also quite difficult to paint because of all the different shades of blue. My favorite part from this project is the elephant and the mountains because the elephant is the perfect color and the mountains came out almost exact. Whenever I added blue to the skies I made sure the blue colors were balanced so it wasn't all off. I added an elephant in this piece because I love elephants! The message of this piece is about how elephants population is decreasing and in they need to be saved and in this art work the elephant is free flying through the sky. Overall, I worked very hard on this art piece and spent a lot of time perfecting it to make sure it's my best work.