Graphite Self Portrait

For this project we could use either graphite or charcoal, but I chose to just use mostly graphite. Using a grid on the photo and on a blank piece of paper I went square by square making sure to match the right shades in the boxes. Im proud of how I used graphite to get a full range of value. I made sure to make the dark areas as dark as they needed to be and the light areas as light as they needed to be. My favorite part about this project is how the hair came out. I tried to match the hair up perfectly. One thing I could improve on is taking the slightest bit more time on the mouth and nose squares (squares because I gridded my paper), but I did spend a lot of time working on them. For the background I did vine like swirls because those are something i've noticed I love to doodle on everything so I figured since I use them all the time then I would just add it to my final art piece as a special touch. But overall I spent a lot of time on this piece of art and I am very proud much detail is incorporated. It was challenging getting a full range of value using graphite. But I did a great job will all of the value and detail.