Final Reflection

  1. Of which in-class project (Tile Design, Masks, Artist Inspired, Respond and Confront, Tea Pot/set) are you the most proud? Why? Please explain and be specific. What did you learn from doing this project?

Of all of my in-class projects my favorite is my gazelle/impala mask. Not only did I learn new techniques, like using newspaper to help me make the perfect clay shape, but I also learned how to blend colors. This project came out even better than I expected. I loved the texture of this project and the color choices. I was inspired by a Mexican mask because of the complex horns. I thought it would be a fun challenge to make the long horns and I knew I would learn a lot by making them. I loved this project because of my love for animals and the environment. As you can see I incorporated little hints of nature in this gazelle/impala mask with the sprout nose, the leaf ears and forehead design, and the mountain design on the top of the head. These little details in this mask make me love the mask even more. I also learned from this project that small details matter and can completely turn around your project. And that is why this mask is my favorite in-class project.

2. How has taking this class changed the way you think about ceramics? This could include your own art-making, how you appreciate art, and/or how you might look differently at art in the world around you.

Taking this class changed the way I look at art by making me realize the little things. I've also realized that all artwork has multiple stories behind them whether it's the meaning of the artwork or the process of the artwork. Those stories are what makes the projects more unique and special. So when I see artwork I am always curious how that artwork got to that point. Also, when I see artwork I can use the knowledge I gained from ceramics to determine what techniques were used by looking at the shape and details. I learned in this class that it takes time to make certain pieces of artwork depending on the size and detail so when larger work is displayed it's interesting to think about how long they spent their time working on that piece. All artwork in general takes time and it will always be fascinating to see the outcome and wonder what the process was like.