Independent Project

For this art project I used the following materials: canvas, acrylic paint, and gel pens. My style that I used for my independent project is Impressionism and Pointallism. I chose these styles because these, in my opinion, are some of the most beautiful pieces of art. At first I was going to only do Pointallism, but then I decided to combine Impressionism and Pointallism. I chose to make my art of a landscape picture I took. I chose this image because of it’s bright colors which is a theme in Impressionism and Pointallism. My favorite part about this project is how well the dots are placed on the paper and also how great the painting part came out. One thing I could work on is managing my time. Pointallism takes a lot of time to do so you need to make sure you have plenty of time and planned ahead. Some strengths and weaknesses for this project that I had were cutting the canvas to the correct size to place onto the Pointallism paper, but it was hard to clue the canvas to the paper with super glue. Throughout this project I had to make sure the number of dots was evenly placed and balanced because then the dots would look patchy and I don’t want that. Somethings I decided to change was making the sky more dark blues and light blues instead of dark purples and dark blues because there were already dark colors for the trees part so I changed it up so there would be more brighter colors throughout. Overall, this was a great project and I really enjoyed being able to choose which type of artist style I wanted to recreate.