Donate Life Design

(The small pictures are at the top & big pictures are at the bottom)

This assignment was to create a piece that has a positive phrase that includes the words "organ and tissue donation." The subject of my creation is the mountains and flowers fading in the background which goes along with the saying in the center of my artwork. My work was made by first painting the mountains in the background with watercolors. I then painted the sky, added flowers and green grass, and lastly I added the words.

I chose to create this specific artwork because I love nature so I decided to incorporate nature into this piece. I also love to use watercolor because of the easy soft effect it gives off. It’s arranged by the flowers off to the side, mountains in the background, and words in the front. This is because it'll make the words stand out more placed this way. How my project evolved was by eventually adding more layers to the background and more fog to the sky as I kept painting. I revised my artwork by making the mountains look like they have fog on the top and making the ground so it was all green grass rather than it just be green and flowers on the corners.

The meaning behind my artwork is exactly what the saying means. "Life is precious, don't let it fade, with organ and tissue donation." To represent this in my artwork I made the background fading. How my artwork relates to my life is because I look at like as something delicate and precious, just like nature, so I put both of these things into one piece. What I'm most proud of in my artwork is how much detail I eventually went back in and added and how much the details made my project evolve. I struggled with figuring out what my art was missing art first. But I overcome these struggles by getting advice from my peers and applying that to my artwork. My artwork could be stronger if I added even more smaller details to the mountains and flowers. But with the less details it gives my work more of a softer look to it, like it's fading, which is exactly what I was going for.