Art History

Claude Monet and French Impressionism Art -

For this piece of art it is a drawing of a scarf that, through my eyes, I saw as an elephant. Elephants are my favorite animals so throughout all of my art you will find a lot of elephant based art pieces. This was done using a variety of materials making a variety of tiny dots. Going from the top using layers of different colored gel pens to moving down using a variety of markers. I made sure that I balanced out the amount of dots I used. So I made sure there wasn't a lot of blank space but also not too many dots in one area. My favorite part of this particular piece is the color use and the top section. Another one of my favorite parts is the top section because that is the section where I used gel pens and spent a very long time on it because of the small dots the gel pen gave off. One thing I believe I could improve is using only gel pens as my material next time. I would've liked it to be all gel pen because then it would look its best but it would also take too long and would be very challenging. I did a good job with making sure that I balanced out the amount of gel pen that was included throughout my art and blending it with the other material I used, marker. The movement that inspired me to make this piece was pointillism (a series of tiny dots). Overall this was a very fun, bright, colorful, and time consuming piece of art.

For my art history video I researched about Claude Monet and French Impressionism art. Claude Monet really focused on landscapes and the color while using large, choppy brushstrokes.