Selfie Still Life

In this piece of artwork there are three objects that I had to draw. For the work I decided to draw an elephant, a ring, and a guitar key chain. I chose these objects because they very special to me. My favorite part of this artwork is how the pure lines I drew make the objects look more realistic and how there is a variety of colors in the background which tells a different story to everyone. But out of all the objects I really like the guitar key chain because it looks very more like the original. Throughout the whole project I tried to balance out the amount of color and patterns. If I added a design on one side then I would add a design on the other instead of leaving one side blank.Throughout the drawing it tells many stories, theres an elephant walking through a bright jungle and finds treasure and theres music playing (guitar). It was challenging to get the colors solid, but this time I used markers to get solid colors since I've noticed I am not great at getting solid colors with colored pencils. My strengths and weaknesses are being able to have a strong composition, but maybe use paint as a material instead of markers next time to get more blended colors.