Multiple Pinch Pot

My inspiration:

In progress photos:

Final Photos:

Artist Statement:

For this project we were assigned to make a piece of artwork that included at least five pinch pots. I made a bumble bee on top of a flower which was a total of seven pinch pots. I made this by making small pinch pots in a pinching motion and then scratch scratch water attach two pinch pots together to form a sphere. I did this process six times in order to make three spheres (the bees body). Then I made one pinch pot which is the center of the flower. When making the pedals I had to make sure the sizes of them and the placement was balanced because it would've looked off if I didn't. I also added texture to the bees wings to give it more character.

I chose to create this specific artwork because I am in love with nature and bees and flowers are apart of that. Bees and flowers help each other and I thought it would be beautiful to put some of my favorite things into one unique creation. I was going to place the bee in the center of the flower but that had a less of a natural feel to it so I put the bumble bee off to the side a little which I believe looks better. At first my bees body was difficult to place on the flower because it wasn't very sturdy and would easily fall off. But eventually over time I would add more clay and built onto it and made it stronger. Then towards the end when I thought I was done building I ended up adding more to it because it looked like it was missing something. I added antennae to it's head and that gave it more character.

The meaning behind my artwork is just a display of the natural beauty of nature. I love everything about nature so I wanted to capture a moment of a beautiful bee on a flower in my artwork. It also relates to my life because of the act I love nature and I also find bees very fascinating. What I am most proud of in my artwork is how I carefully placed on the smaller details like the antennae. I'm also proud of not getting frustrated when one of my pinch pots got crushed and I just made a new one very quickly and it came out even better than the first. I struggled with working with smaller pinch pots but I used a smooth wooden tool to help me make sure everything was perfectly the way I wanted it to be. One thing that does bother me about my artwork is that it isn't as realistic and not as detailed as I wanted it to be so I wish I had more time to work on that. But overall this was a very fun and creative project.