Find Your Voice Project

(The small pictures are at the top & big pictures are at the bottom)

This assignment was to create a piece to address an issue. The issues I addressed were global warming and the California wildfires. The subject of my creation is having the fires in the background of both pieces with the hour glasses to say we are running out of time. My work was made by first drawing the sketches and then creating the background using warm, fire colors. I then added the details, using the paint sharpies, to the world to make it look like it's melting and smoke and trees on the other piece to represent the smoke and dead trees from the California Wildfires.

I chose to create this specific artwork because these are topics I feel passionate about and I wanted to address. It’s arranged by having the warm colors to represent high temperatures and fire in the other piece in the background and showing how these have negative effects to our environment and planet. How my project evolved was by at first I was only going to do one project but then I decided to create a set addressing different but similar issues. I revised my artwork by going back in and making sure there was no white space.

The meaning behind my artwork is that we are running out of time and that our actions are destroying our planet. How my artwork relates to my life is I love the environment and I want the future for other generations to not be filled with dangers that we induced. What I'm most proud of in my artwork is how simple yet understandable my art is. I struggled with coming up with how to fill in the hourglass space. But I overcome these struggles by filling it in with a silver sharpie. My artwork could be stronger if I added more smaller details. But overall, I love these two pieces and what they represent.