
First Sphere (fruit):

Second Sphere (music notes):

Third Sphere (mountain/ocean design):

My in progress photos:

My Sketches for When I Was First Having Ideas of What to Make:

Inspiration for my first sphere (fruit):

My inspiration for my second sphere (music notes):

My inspiration for my third sphere (mountain/ocean design):

Artist Statement:

We were assigned to make two pinch pot and scratch scratch water attach them together. Once we finished making our spheres we had to turn one into a natural creation, the second into a man made creation, and the third into a random scratch design. For my first sphere the subject is a random fruit. I put together a pineapple and blueberries to create my first sphere shape. For my second sphere I had the same process as the first except this time I added music notes to it to make it a man made creation. For my third pot I had the same process as the first and second but instead I did a random design inspired by mountains and the ocean. Then at the end I glazed all of my spheres. For materials I used clay, glaze, and long scratching tools to place designs and put things into place. My favorite sphere quality was how smooth the music note sphere felt.

I chose to create my first sphere because I love fruit. I chose to create my second sphere because I love music. And I chose to create my third sphere because I love nature and the mountains and ocean reminded me of that. It was sort of difficult to scratch scratch water attach the pinch pots together because if you used too much water then it may become messed up but it all worked out. At first my spheres all had crumbs of clay on them but eventually over time I cleaned them all up to make them all nice.

The meaning behind all of my pieces of work is peacefulness. This is because the fruit reminds me of a tropical island which I find peaceful. The music notes on my second sphere remind me of peacefulness because I love music and I find it relaxing. And the mountains and ocean just come to my mind as peaceful and naturally beautiful on my third sphere. All of these relate to my life because I love all of them. Everything in these spheres are the things I enjoy in my life. I'm most proud of how well my fruit sphere came out. This is because it broke at one point and I managed to fix it and make it look even better than before. That was also one of my struggles when it broke but I overcame it by fixing it and smoothing out the edges of the leaves. In the future I would've liked to have more time to add more details to the leaves. This would make it more realistic in my opinion. Also next time I would like to add a variety of colors instead of just one on one sphere.