Animal Assemblage Sculpture

For this project I used the following materials: newspaper, tape, plastic, hot glue, paint sample paper and cardboard like materials. We first made a base using newspaper and tape to make the shape of the animal or the "stuffing". For my animal I made the panda bear. It was very difficult to attach the head of the panda bear to the body but I managed to put it together. Another difficult part in this project is trying not to burn myself with the hot glue. If I was to do this project again I would use a tool to press down the hot glue instead of my fingers so it doesn't burn. One thing I could improve on is making sure there is completely no hot glue showing on the "fur" of the panda. To make the fur I used trash bags to make the black fur and cut it into little strips. For the white fur I used plastic bags that you can find at grocery stores. It was difficult to make sure there was no tape and newspaper sticking out, but I managed to do just fine. My favorite part about this project is the bamboo. The bamboo is made out of the paint sample papers and had leaves made out of that as well and it came out perfectly. I then glued the bamboo into the panda bears paw to make it look like it is about to eat the bamboo. When I was making the bamboo I made sure the colors were balanced and placed correctly because I didn't want it to be too far off or uneven. Overall, I learned a lot from this project and discovered many more new things about art sculpture. This was one of my favorite projects and I would love to do it again.