
For this art piece I used different tools for scratching as my materials and had a black scratchboard. The goal I had was once I placed a grid on my image and my scratchboard I would make the image match as close as I possibly could. To do this I made sure my cat had texture to her fur to make it more realistic. To make the cats fur I mostly used the smaller, pointier tool to make sure the cat had plenty of detail. For the whiter areas I used the larger tool so would be able to fully use up the space and make it white. I also made sure to match my colors properly so I would have a full range of value. One thing I could improve on is maybe using the larger tool more often so I wouldn't be wasting a lot of time. But I also think by using the smaller tool it may take up time but in the end it's worth it because then you'll have more realistic details. One thing that was difficult during this project was that since there is a grid then I go square by square but then this makes it so the squares are visible. So in order to make the the squares less visible is, since I can't blend, I scratch the squares together so they sort of mix in a way. My favorite part about this project is how much detail you can add by just scratching in different directions. Overall, this was a very fun, but time consuming, project and helped teach me more about a full range of value.