Oil Pastel Color Study

For this art we had to find a bright and colorful image, grid it into cm squares, and then make sure each square contained one blended color. The materials I used was a variety of oil pastels and a blending tool called a tortillon. One thing I could improve on is making sure I get at least two tortillions because the one I used became filled with black coloring and making it hard to blend the lighter colors. This particular piece of art took me a very long time to do because there are so many tiny squares and I wanted to make sure I did my very best. My favorite part of this art is the overall look of the piece. You could actually sort of tell it's a frog even though it's supposed to be mostly abstract. I also like how well I matched the tan colors that are in the background to be almost exact to the original image. I chose to draw a butler frog because my grandmother gave my family this frog. Whenever people come over they always see the frog statue in our house and everyone enjoys him so he's become a huge and enjoyable silly part of our household. Next time I definitely need to work on using different tortillons so the colors don't accidentally mix. Overall I worked very hard on this piece and i've learned a lot more when it comes to mixing and matching colors.