BRMS Music

Fusion 8th graders finishing up their voice over recordings

Team Couloir

Dear BRMS Families

Spring is in the air? In true Vermont fashion…..if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute!

Despite the expected snowstorm this weekend we are excited about the prospect of spring and taking our masks off for the first time in two years at BRMS. We have had several conversations with our students over the past couple of days about this change and that this decision is optional. Students can continue to wear a mask if they choose. Over the next couple of weeks we will be slowly introducing traditional pre-pandemic routines to our students including unassigned seating and mixing groups in the lunchroom. Students are excited about this change and we are happy that they will be able to connect more with their peers for the remainder of the school year. In addition to our lunchroom changes, we have scheduled our first 5/6 grade party for Friday April 15th immediately following school. More information will be coming soon from BRAG. The 7/8 school dance will be scheduled for a date in May.

This afternoon our Pride Club organized a voluntary event outdoors today in support of the LGBTQ community. This event was in support of a nationwide event to bring attention to bills and proposals that will impact the LGBTQ community. We are proud of our students who are finding their voice as they become young adults and we are proud of the supportive community at BRMS!

I also want to inform you that Centerpoint is providing an upcoming parent night in-person at MMU on Thursday, March 31st, 6:30-8:00 pm. The conversation will center on parent and caregiver questions connected to adolescent substance use, including marijuana edibles. This community conversation is open to parents and caregivers of 7th to 12th grade students within the MMU school district.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the snow!


From the Guidance Office:

Good Afternoon BRMS Community,

I'm writing to make you aware that the district has accepted my request for a one year leave of absence for the next academic year, 22’- 23’. I'm excited about the possibilities that this time will afford me and will very much look forward to my return as the 5th and 6th Grade School Counselor at BRMS in the Fall of 2023. I will be working with our administration on finding an amazing and talented replacement during my absence. Please be reassured that the Guidance/School Counseling Department will continue to provide the excellent service and support you and your children are accustomed to. Thank you for your support!


Gregory J. Martin

5th/6th Grade School Counselor - BRMS

Our Students & Community have currently raised $17,676 towards our goal so far this year! Please see the recent MYNBC Channel 5 News story about our 6th Grade student from Team Ion and his fundraising efforts below;

BRMS 6th Grader Fundraising for Spectrum with Jericho Hot Chocolate Stand

If you haven't had the chance, PLEASE sign up to join or DONATE for either BRMS team here;

Mr. Martin's BRMS RED TEAM


Please take a few minutes of your time to watch a video we made showcasing this unique and incredibly important fundraising event;

BRMS Participates in Spectrum Student Sleep Out Video

*Everyone who signs up and raises over $25.00 receives a Spectrum Hat AND we will be celebrating on 3/25 at the end of the day with a PIZZA Party sponsored by B.R.A.G. and Mr. Hamilton! Participants - please take a pic of you sleeping out and send to Ms. Roberge or me!

Thank you kindly and don't hesitate to reach out for more info. and questions greg.martin@mmuusd.org.


We happen to live in an amazing state filled with natural beauty. Many of us enjoy the outdoors and participate in the sport of hunting and fishing. At the same time, I am always deeply saddened when I hear about any school shooting. In a recent conversation with a parent, we discussed some local resources that might be helpful to encourage anyone who possesses a firearm in their home to please keep it locked up. The following information is given out to try and recognize the facts, debunk any myths regarding guns and provide some safety tips for gun owners. We have also researched where gun owners can receive a free gun lock to continue to keep their weapons locked up and safe Project Child Safe - VT - FREE GUN LOCKS!

We have a small pilot program being offered by the Chittenden County Sheriff's Office with a limited supply of gun locks for free to parents here in the Guidance Office. You can also contact Lt. Fortin for more information at http://chittendencountysheriff.com/

Gun-Related Injury Facts:

  • Nearly 1,300 children younger than 18 years of age die from shootings every year.

  • 1 in 3 families with children have at least one gun in the house. It is estimated that there are more than 22 million children living in homes with guns.

  • Most of the victims of unintentional shootings are boys. They are usually shot by a friend or relative, especially a brother.

  • Nearly 40% of all unintentional shooting deaths among children 11-14 years of age occur in the home of a friend.

  • Adolescents are at a higher risk for suicide when there is a gun in the home.

Myths About Guns:

  • Some parents believe that hiding their guns will prevent children from accessing them. However, 75% of children who live in homes with guns know where they are stored.

  • Many parents think their children are not capable of firing a gun. However, children as young as 3 years old may be strong enough to pull the trigger of a handgun.

  • Parents believe their children know the difference between real guns and toy guns, but in 16% of unintentional firearm deaths among children younger than 13 years of age, the gun was mistaken for a toy. Parents often believe their child would not touch a gun because “he knows better.” However, studies have found that most children will handle a gun if they find one, even if they have been taught not to.

  • Some parents consider non-powder guns, like BB, pellet, and paintball guns, to be toys. These guns, which can fire at the speed of traditional guns, lead to nearly 22,000 injuries each year, especially eye injuries.

Gun Safety Tips:

  • The best way to keep your children safe from guns is to remove all guns from the home.

  • If a gun is in the house, always keep it unloaded and locked. It should be out of reach and sight of children. Keep ammunition and guns locked in separate locations, not together. Safety devices, including gun locks, lock boxes and gun safes, should be used for every gun in the house.

  • Storage keys and lock combinations should be hidden from children.

  • Before visiting friends and relatives, ask if they have guns in their homes. If so, make sure they keep their guns unloaded and locked as well.

  • Never leave children unsupervised in a home with a gun.

The information above is from the following sources (in order of use): Johnson RM, Coyne-Beasley T, Runyan CW. Firearm ownership and storage practices, U.S. households, 1992-2002. A systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2004;27(2):173-182. Schuster MA, Franke TM, Bastian AM, Sor S, Halfon N. Firearm storage patterns in US homes with children. Am J Public Health. 2000;90(4):588-594. Okoro CA, Nelson DE, Mercy JA, Balluz LS, Crosby AE, Mokdad AH. Prevalence of household firearms and firearm-storage practices in the 50 states and the District of Columbia: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2002. Pediatrics. 2005;116(3):e370-376.Fowler KA, Dahlberg LL, Haileyesus T, Gutierrez C, Bacon S. Childhood firearm injuries in the United States. Pediatrics. 2017;140(1):e20163486.Schaechter J. guns in the Home. HealthyChildren.org.Frattaroli S, Webster DW, Teret SP. Unintentional gun injuries, firearm design, and prevention: what we know, what we need to know, and what can be done. J Urban Health. 2002;79(1):49-59. Hemenway D, Solnick SJ. Children and unintentional firearm death. Inj Epidemiol. 2015;2(1):doi:10.1186/s40621-40015-40057-40620. Hemenway D, Barber C, Miller M. Unintentional firearm deaths: a comparison of other-inflicted and self-inflicted shootings. Accid Anal Prev. 2010;42(4):1184-1188.Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention Executive Committee. Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population. Pediatrics: 2012;130(5). http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/130/5/e1416.fullBaxley F, Miller M. Parental misperceptions about children and firearms. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006;160(5):542-547. Hardy MS. Teaching firearm safety to children: failure of a program. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2002;23(2):71-76. Laraque D, Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention. Injury Risk of Nonpowder Guns. Pediatrics: 2004;114(5). http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/114/5/1357.full.pdf

BRMS Track & Field sign ups are posted outside the gym. Track & Field is open to all 5th-8th graders. Sign up ASAP if you are interested. The season will begin after April vacation. We are also in need of parent volunteers to assist with our coaches. Please contact AD Matt Lennon & Coach Tiffany Gilbert if you are interested in volunteering. matthew.lennon@mmuusd.org or tifgilbert@icloud.com

More info will be sent out after your child signs up.

Music Notes:

MUSIC PPE UPDATE** starting on Monday the 14th- masks in band and chorus are optional. Bell covers are still required. Students will still have their PPE bags if they would like to use them. Talk to your students about what the expectations are for mask wearing while playing instruments for your household.

Yearbooks cost $25. Orders are due to Pam Preston in the Guidance Office by April 15th.

Checks should be made out to BRMS.

Computer Sale Winter 2022

● We have a limited amount of used Chromebook laptops that we are cycling out and offering for sale. The price is $20 each. These are 4+ year-old HP 14” Chromebooks. Be aware that Google has stopped auto-updating these Chromebooks so they no longer get software updates. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16cDo7JSodkEZnhzMxTnHz4w8ujkBCSA1-p5UICGQ_ic/edit?usp=sharing

● There is no warranty on these computers - they are sold as-is.

● MMUUSD will not provide tech support for them. These computers are not to be used in school.

● This computer sale is available for a limited time only until the devices are gone. First come first serve.

● Limit of 2 per family.

  1. Please print and complete this form and return to the office labeled: BRMS/Ann Faryniarz.

  2. Payment should be a check made out to BRMS, or cash.

  3. If you have questions, please email Ann Faryniarz at ann.faryniarz@mmuusd.org

PARENT SIGNATURE REQUIRED Name:________________________________________Date_________________

Email address:______________________________________________________ OR


_____Initial here stating you agree to the terms of this sale as stated in this form.

Do not write below this line

Tech Department use only:

Limit 2/family 1 or 2 chromebooks (circle)

Check# or cash $ paid? YES NO


Browns River Action Group (BRAG), the parent teacher organization at BRMS, helps promote student self-esteem, supports school staff, and assists in efforts to solve school needs through volunteering and fundraising.

Interested in joining? Email us at brmsbrag@mmuusd.org

Thank you for the donations to the Wellness Bar.

It was a huge success and very much appreciated.

Thank you for supporting BRMS Staff!

Upcoming Events

Monday, March 14

Tuesday, March 15 - Clubs (Magic, Robotics & Coding, Cooking, Junior Jazz Band) Volleyball v. VT Commons @Home (first game at 3:45)

Wednesday, March 16- Clubs (Cooking, Chess Club, D&D, Community Service Club) Volleyball v. Montpelier @Home (first game at 4:30)

Thursday, March 17- Clubs (Jazz Band, Pride) Volleyball v. Edmunds @Home (first game at 4:00)

Friday, March 18

Guest News