Supported Learning and Advisory (SLA)

Each student in the High School will have a Supported Learning and Advisory (SLA).  This class meets 3-5 times a cycle with a teacher/mentor to lead the class for the entire school year. This course follows all attendance and behavior policies as any other course. SLA is also considered in part with the CAS and LEAD graduation requirements.

The purpose of SLA is Relating to one another. 

In SLA, we will...

The SLA program is overseen by two Grade Level Leaders (GLLs) for each grade level.

For the 2024/2025 school year, the GLLs are:

Grade 9:- David Wood and Kim Coyle

Grade 10:- Sherina Motwani and Robin Carter

Grade 11:- Leizel Placer and Nicholas Nannen

Grade 12:- Rachelle Ruebe and Grace Krouse

The second half of SLA is designed for students have individual meetings with their classroom teachers, counselors, or other faculty. They can also schedule time with National Honors Society tutors, work with their classmates within SLA, update their CAS portfolios, or work independently. 

If a student wants to use their SLA lesson for something outside the SLA classroom (ex. meet with a teacher or counselor, make up an assessment, etc.), the student must:

In the SLA class, a teacher will;