Heat, lightning and Air Quality Protocols

Lightning & Severe Weather policy

The Lightning Hazard Warning System is a manual system using a handheld device; the StrikeAlert HD. 

When the light on the StrikeAlert HD is on it indicates a lightning strike with 0-10 km (0-6 miles). The lightning hazard strobe lights in outdoor areas will be turned on and there will also be a PA announcement informing people outdoors to move under cover. Additionally, security guards will go to the outdoor spaces and inform the participants of covered spaces.

The lightning hazard strobe lights will remain on for a minimum of 15 minutes. When 15 minutes have elapsed since the most recent lightning strike within 0-10 km (0-6 miles) then the lightning hazard strobe lights will be turned off, and there will be a PA announcement informing people they can return to the outdoor areas. Even if the strobe light is not flashing, or there is no observable lightning, participants must abide by the instruction of the security guards.

JIS Air Quality Procedures 

JIS is committed to delivering a high-quality physical education and athletics program for all students.

JIS recognizes the necessity and value of physical activity and understands that inactivity can have potential negative health related consequences. As a result, the risks of exercise on high pollution days need to be balanced with the risks of physical inactivity.

Parents reserve the right to request that their child/children do not participate in aerobic activities or go outside during high pollution days and will not be penalized for non-participation in such circumstances.

JIS will accommodate any community member’s wish to wear a mask if they choose to do so.

Any parent who wishes to exempt his or her child from activities in conditions different from the protocols below can contact the Vice-Principal or Principal to provide their child’s exemption in writing.

Regarding air quality procedures, JIS will use the US Embassy South Jakarta station by Air Visual for air quality readings. These readings will be accessed at the times below on school days to determine procedures (please note a 15 minutes window on any one measurement) based on each division’s scheduled activities. 

Additional readings may be taken: