Indonesian MoE Requirements for Indonesian Students

Eligibility and general information

The following information applies to Indonesian passport holders who are registered at JIS on their Indonesian passports only. The embedded document includes Frequently Asked Questions from parents. Our most recent presentation to parents is at the bottom of this page.

Update for Academic Year 21/22-Changes to National Exams

The Indonesian Ministry of Education has made changes to the National Examination system and the previous system of the Ujian Nasional (U.N.) examinations have been replaced by the Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (A.K.M.) which does involve some substantial modifications. A summary table of the modifications is below and we have embedded the relevant MoE documentation as well for additional information. We will update all parents and this page with more information as we receive it.

Preparation material and extra information

Preparation material is here

Buku Saku AKM.pdf
Kebijakan Ujian Nasional dan AKM oleh BSNP (2).pdf
479445289-Koordinasi-Asesmen-Nasional-dengan-Dinas-Pendidikan-Kementerian-Agama-LPMP-PPBP-PAUD-dan-Pendidikan-Masyarakat-pdf (1).pdf

Outline of our program to satisfy MoE requirements

Grade 9 and Grade 10

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 9

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 9 (Language Enhanced)

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 10

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 10 (Language Enhanced)

  • Agama: Christian, Catholic, Islam, Buddhist, Confucian (Hindu is coming soon)

Grade 11 and Grade 12

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 11

  • Bahasa, Sastra and PPKn 12

  • IB A Indonesian Lang and Lit SL + Civics

  • IB B Standard/Higher Level + Civics (this is typically only for students who have come up through the LE stream)

FAQs from Indonesian Parents about the Indonesian Program
Indonesian Parent Presentation: High School Parents 26th Sept