High School Code of Ethics & Conduct

Guiding Principles

As members of the JIS community, our students are expected to demonstrate commitment to the following principles:

Equity and Justice

In a fair and just community, all members can access opportunities that allow for their full participation in that community.

Respect for Others

Respect for the rights of other people is the basis on which individuals accept their social responsibilities to behave with integrity.

Personal Responsibility

This principle requires students to take full personal responsibility to protect the rights and property of others and to act as stewards for school assets, resources and environment.

Key Beliefs and Commitment


We believe that to learn a course of study most effectively and to maintain the academic integrity of a course of study at JIS, students must attend all classes unless they have a verified reason from their parents or guardians. As a student at JIS I will:


We believe our community functions better and have good relationships when our behavior is respectful and controlled at all times. As a student at JIS I will:

Care for our Environment

We believe our community benefits when we all show care and concern for our learning environment.

As a student at JIS I will:


We believe we show consideration for all members of our school community by dressing appropriately as a student and choosing dress that is respectful of our learning environment and our host country.

Jakarta Intercultural School does not have a uniform, rather we allow students to choose their own dress, provided that such dress adheres to our expectations of appropriate attire for our school, it does not interfere with the health and safety of themselves or others, and does not interfere with the educational process of the school.

Basic Principles


We believe that members of the JIS community always show respect for others’ rights to be safe and happy and solve conflict through appropriate means. As a student at JIS I will:

Academic Integrity and Honesty

We believe that students at JIS learn best and teachers make more accurate evaluations when students’ work is handed in on time and is truly their own.  As a student at JIS I will:

Alcohol, Tobacco and Prohibited Drugs

We believe we learn best when we are healthy and free from harmful chemicals in our system.  As a student at JIS I will:


We believe that the property of others should always be respected.  As a student at JIS I will:


We believe that all members of our community should respect the learning needs of others and the technology resources and infrastructure of the school.  As a student at JIS I will:

Repeated breaches of our values and code of ethics:

All members of our community are committed to our core values: perseverance, integrity, respect responsibility, compassion, balance and fun. If students do not uphold our core values and ongoing breaches of our code of conduct occur, the student will be regarded as not in good standing and may face suspension or expulsion from school. If a senior student is not in good standing with the school, he/she may not be invited to attend the graduation ceremony.