Who should get the Corona vaccine first?

"Hospital staff should be the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. They could get infected so easily because they are around people infected with the virus, and some can’t even see their families."

Posted January 2021

By Huda Aden

Cub Reporter

Coronavirus officially started in Wuhan, China on Dec. 31, 2019, and Covid-19 was declared a global health emergency. The U.S. went to lockdown on March 25, 2020. So far worldwide, there are 74.6 million cases , 41.7 million recovered, and 1.64 million have died. People aren’t allowed to go out without a mask, and there is a limit to people who are allowed to go into stores and a social distance at least six feet away from others. Cases have been rising since October and are still rising .

"We’re experiencing an explosive and very deadly surge," said Barbara Ferrer.

So, now there is a COVID vaccine developed by Pfizer. Pfizer is one of America's Multinational Pharmaceutical Corporations. The new vaccine has been delivered to many U.S. hospitals and is being tested. There was only two million vaccine doses shipped to the U.S., and there will be two million more being shipped the week of Jan. 18. Common effect of the vaccine include pain and swelling on the arm of the shot. The rest of your body may feel feverish and you may experience chills, tiredness, and headaches.

Hospital staff should be the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. They could get infected so easily because they are around people infected with the virus, and some can’t even see their families.

“Anybody that works within a health care institution that could have contact with an individual who has Covid should receive vaccination," Romero previously told CNN.