Guidance counselor Kagan Young travelled the world as a motorcycle guide

Posted November 2020

by Natalie Hebert

Cub Reporter

Guidance counselor Kagan Young once guided clients on motorcycle tours all around the world, from 2007-14, adventures that clients are sure to remember.

When Young was looking for an interesting career, he found Motoquest, a motorcycle tour guide company that helps retired and vacationing people go on adventures around the world. Young thought this could be a fun way to travel the world while doing something he loves. During this experience he traveled to several places, including Northern India, South Africa, Canada, Japan, Alaska, Chile, Central America, and Argentina. In those places he took 6-12 clients on new experiences. His clients were usually in their late 40s to their early 80s. Most were retired.

“Some moments when riding were out of this world,” said Young.

Injuries can occur when riding a motorcycle. A friend who toured with Young wedged his bike between a guardrail and the ground. Young's friend got out safely, but when putting his wrecked bike in the truck he got his finger stuck between the wheel and the sprocket, severing the finger. Young’s group usually stayed at hotels and hostels, and occasionally random houses. One time they spent the night in a police station tool shed.

“Young followed a chosen trail using a GPS when he was leading tours,” the Highlander stated in October 2018. “There were times that they got lost; it could take a couple minutes or it could take a couple of hours to get back on the right path, depending how lost they were.”

Young went on so many adventures guiding clients on motorcycle tours. He believes that all are interesting in their own way.

“Go ride motorcycles,” said Young.

“Some moments when riding were out of this world.”