Disadvantages, advantages to distance learning

Posted November 2020

By Pamela Vang

Cub Reporter

The infectious spread of the Coronavirus has forced schools around the world to transition to online learning, but there are advantages as well as disadvantages to CDL.

Online learning provides many opportunities for students, in a variety of courses, to access all kinds of knowledge on the internet. Students can also now focus in an environment they are comfortable in, and have the choice to learn in their own schedule, while all also learning self-motivation and independence.

“We’ve heard from students and the teachers that online learning starts at the right time of the day," said principal John Bier. "That way you have that other half of the day to work, and staring at a screen too long would drive students crazy.”

Photo coutsey of Rutgers University

"The digital divide, which prevents vast numbers of students from experiencing enriched immersive online learning because they don’t have access to high functioning computing equipment, have low bandwidth internet connectivity, are only able to use mobile phones or devices, have to compete to use digital resources in the home with siblings and working parents, or don’t have parent and caretaker support and guidance in technology use, etc." - Rebecca B. Reynolds, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Communication & Information, Rutgers University

On the other hand, learning without human interaction can be a huge disadvantage for both students and teachers. Studies show that students can lose nearly one third of the skill sets they learned before distance learning, and teachers are finding it difficult to teach and support their students without the right tools provided in a classroom.

"One main challenge is that it is much harder for students to reach out to adults when they are struggling and ask for counseling," said school social worker Caty Buckley. "They just aren't given as many natural, organic moments with teachers and other staff when they could share about their struggles and then be referred to some mental health support.”