
Image courtesy The New Indian Express

As mental health declines during the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions like Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) have tripled the rate in US adults from 8.5% to 27.8%

Image courtesy Moleculera Labs

According to ASAPScience, those diagnosed with ADHD have fewer dopamine receptors, so they can be easily bored and lack the ability to be entertained by activities that most individuals enjoy.

"The world looked at my Black and brown neighborhood, and called us 'thugs' and 'wetbacks.'"

By guest writer, guidance counselor Sabrina Sommer

Do I Know You?

A comic strip of pandemic perspective

Posted April 2021

By Guest Illustrator Rebecca Popov

I'm Done

A poem of pandemic perspective

Posted January 2021

By Guest Poet Nataliya Ursaki

I’m Done

I wake up tired

Ready to do work, but feeling uninspired

Assignments pile up

Making me stressed,

Leaving them for another day,

I assume it's for the best.

Mask on, out the door, keeping six feet apart

Same routine over and over

I’m ready to restart

Apron, cap, smile, yup, working to get my check,

Trying to sound and look my best

But internally I’m a wreck

At home at last, I relax with a hot shower

Laying in bed restless for the next hour

My head feels droopy,

Can this be over

My mind rethinks life

As my eyelids lower