Hypocritical Republicans in jeopardy of losing their Senate majority

"These futile attempts will not give these hypocritical republicans any support, but will be the downfall of their political careers."

Posted October 2020

By Sergio Valles

Staff Editor

Republicans are in danger of losing their Senate majority—and they will after standing with Trump and their hypocrisy on numerous occasions.

` Concerning the Supreme Court, "I want you to use my words against me," Senator Lindsey Graham said.

"If there's a Republican President in 2016, and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term," Lindsey Graham said four years ago, "let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.”

And now in 2020, Graham rushed the confirmation of soon-to-be-Judge Amy Coney Barrett so she can become the sixth conservative Judge of the Supreme Court, after the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Over 35 million Americans have already voted. Republicans should let the people decide who gets to pick the next Supreme Court Justice, and not let party be the driving force of rushing this process. Mr. Graham is in a tight Senate race with Democratic nominee Jaime Harrison, who has raised $57 million, the most fundraising money, shattering Senate fundraising records.

But this race will probably stay in the GOP. It's races in Arizona, Maine, North Carolina, Colorado, and Iowa that will likely flip to the democrats, giving them a huge possibility of gaining back a majority in the Senate, a majority they haven't had since 2008. All five races will go democratic, as all nominees have a lead on their incumbent GOP opponent. Some Republican nominees try to push away from President Donald Trump to gain back support from their constituencies. But, these futile attempts will not give these hypocritical republicans any support, but will be the downfall of their political careers. Why didn’t they speak out when Mr. Trump’s said Covid-19 was something like the flu, or that it's a hoax? Their silence is the cause of over 220,00 American deaths.

In other states, such as Georgia, the special Senate election is a toss-up between democratic nominee Raphael Warnock and presumably the incumbent GOP senator, Kelly Loefler. The democrats have to push out the vote to gain these seats back to have the possibility of a democratic House, Senate, and White House so that real change will happen in this country. It's time to drive out these republicans who don’t hold onto their words, that follow a President who has let over 220,000 Americans die from a disease that could’ve been prevented by wearing a mask, social distancing, and science. And to do that, is to vote out these republicans and vote for real change, a party that follows science, and one that doesn’t risk lives for the economy.

After the 2020 election, it will be a time of healing, to think how life will be different for the good, how we can look up to our leaders in Congress, and not have to worry if our favorite restaurant will be close, if we’ll see our grandparents again, and to finally not worry about the President’s middle-of-the-night Tweets.