Kerith Lemon’s short film A Social Life is smart and relevant

"'It's an accurate representation of teens today who are addicted to social media, many putting themselves down because they compare themselves to others online."

Posted January 2021

By Huda Aden

Cub Reporter

A Social Life, an award-winning short film by Kerith Lemon, follows a girl named Meredith who obsesses over her online social life as she strives to stay fit , work hard, and constantly connect with her friends.

Posting every moment of her day is important because Meredith is creating an image with her social media friends. She soon realizes that she has to go out with friends and live her life instead of just posting everything she does. All she does is go on her phone and than she sleeps, but right after goes straight back to her phone,. Her life is controlled by social media.

A Social Life is an accurate representation of teens today who are addicted to social media, many putting themselves down because they compare themselves to others online. That's how depression starts. People are always bullying others on how they look and act. Instead, they should try to live without a phone. A Social Life seeks to ask the question, “Are we truly living the life that we post?” Whether we are or not, we should discuss what effect this is having on our self-esteem and that of our extended community.