Animated In a Heartbeat offers tender look at LGBTQIA+ community

"I love this film and have absolutely nothing bad to say about it."

Posted January 2021

By Tahlia Santos

Cub Reporter

I remember when In a Heartbeat went viral a couple years back. It has stuck with me since then. It's a very cute film. It's smooth and the musical score fits so well, and I really like the style and colors.

I love this film and have absolutely nothing bad to say about it. My favorite part is the representation of the LGBTQIA+ community, since it's about two boys. I'm so happy this film went viral and has so many views. I also really like the dedication and lighting. Everything looks so nice and smooth. The reactions and facial movements just fit so well. I like that with animated short films you can tell what's happening even without dialogue. No one talks in In a Heartbeat. It's just reactions and music.

The story is very heartwarming. The like to dislike ratio is very good. Most viewers liked this film and understandably. I recently watched it for the first time in three years, and I remember everything that happened. That's how good it is: It stuck with me. The ending is really cute and makes me smile. I like the colors for hair, eyes, clothes they chose for the main characters. They work well together. The animators did everything right pretty much, this is a very thought-out and amazing film.