Pandemic presents challenges during holidays

Posted November 2020

By Emma Haley

Cub Reporter

As the holidays approach, Americans need to know which in-person precautions to take and how to keep it fun when they and loved ones spend time together.

“Holiday celebrations will likely need to be different this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” the CDC states.

Spending the holidays virtually carries the least risk since people won't be in contact with those other than their household members. Although it is the best way to ensure safety, it may be difficult or boring. After setting up a call or meeting, family can share recipes or show off food dishes. They can even set up a movie, sport, or parade to watch virtually with other family. Some traditions may continue, like sharing what the family is grateful for. This could also be a chance to make new traditions. If they feel like it, family can prepare food to leave on another family member's porch.

Photo courtsey of NIAID

"Because of the almost intuitive instinct that when you're with people you know ... and no one appears to be physically ill that it's OK to congregate 10, 12 people for drinks or a meal or what have you, but it's indoors because the weather is cold, that's where we're seeing these types of outbreaks," - Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

People who are diagnosed with Coronavirus or have been exposed to the virus should avoid gatherings altogether. If family must gather, It’s best to limit the number of attendees and make sure that guests follow important rules. It is crucial to wear masks when not eating or drinking and to keep a distance of at least six feet. When family is not wearing their masks, they should store they properly in a plastic bag. It is best to avoid speaking loudly. They should avoid going in and out of areas that food is being stored or prepared. It will be smart to bring whatever they need, like plates and silverware, instead of sharing these objects with other family members. If hosting a holidays gettogether, the host should set expectations ahead of time so there are no misunderstandings. If the family is not celebrating outside, it’s recommended that they spend some time outside, or with open doors and windows, to keep the space aired. They should sanitize objects and surfaces that will be touched a lot. It is best to use single-use items, like paper plates and plastic utensils, to limit contact. They should no let other family interact with pets either.

When shopping for the winter holidays, it is best to order online. Curbside pick-up with minimum contact is also a good option for shopping. If shopping in person is unavoidable, it is wise to choose a time when the store is less busy, and to pick a shop that is open-aired and to social distance and wear a mask.