Equity Team's coffee chats promote equitable teaching practices

Posted December

by Jennifer Dinh

Staff Editor

The Equity Team members have started organizing monthly Coffee Chats on Friday mornings through Google Meet for DDHS staff members interested in learning more about equitable teaching practices.

Members of the Equity Team lead the chats. The objective is to make equitable practices in the classroom a priority. The first chat had over 50 staff members in attendance, and about half of them actually had coffee. Due to the call being completely online, the number of those who can attend has not been limited.

During the chat, staff of color presented racial autobiographies along with information about being a more equitable teacher. With a rise in racial unrest this year, with numerous protests against systemic racism across the nation, the coffee chats are necessary means to promote equality.

“Our school (and every school in Portland) has a lot of work to do in our promotion of racial, gender, and socioeconomic equity,” said Equity Team member Chris Mathews. “I feel like a lot of teachers at David Douglas are committed to the cause and I think we have a bright future.”

“Our school (and every school in Portland) has a lot of work to do in our promotion of racial, gender, and socioeconomic equity. I feel like a lot of teachers at David Douglas are committed to the cause and I think we have a bright future."

Equity Team member and ELA teacher Chris Mathews