Governor Brown leaves return to in-person instruction up to districts

Posted January 2021

By Sergio Valles

Staff Editor

Although Governor Kate Brown announced that she hopes, but will not mandate, that more Oregon schools, especially elementary schools, transition to in-person instruction by Feb. 15, the DDSD School Board voted to extend CDL up to Spring Break.

“First, it is imperative that Oregon’s local school boards, superintendents, educators, and school employees work together toward the resumption of in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible—prioritizing elementary education,” the governor stated in a letter to all Oregon School Superintendents.

“I’m directing OHA and ODE to evaluate and provide any needed updates, based on scientific data and evidence, to the appropriate thresholds for resumption of in-person instruction. Any updates to the COVID-19 Health Metrics should be completed no later than Jan. 19."

-Oregon Governor Kate Brown

Photo courtesy The Oregonian

Brown is directing the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), “to partner with schools to access on-site, rapid testing as a safeguard to quickly address symptomatic individuals and those with potential exposure to COVID-19 to protect students and staff and to minimize quarantine times in public schools that resume in-person instruction.”

The decision to return to in-person instruction will be made locally, district by district, and school by school. The David Douglas School District will most likely not return to in-person instruction by Feb. 15 because COVID-19 cases in Multnomah County has not slowed down, so the county does not meet the required metrics for reopening. In the last two weeks alone, Multnomah County has reported 2,805 COVID-19 cases, according to the New York Times, and the COVID Tracking Project.

“I’m directing OHA and ODE to evaluate and provide any needed updates, based on scientific data and evidence, to the appropriate thresholds for resumption of in-person instruction," stated Brown. "Any updates to the COVID-19 Health Metrics should be completed no later than Jan. 19. Fifth, I’m directing ODE to collaborate with OHA to align the Ready Schools, Safe Learners guidance and Oregon OSHA rules to ensure all necessary health and safety procedures and protocols are included to allow maximum access to in-person instruction in keeping with reasonable health and safety standards.”