Consent does not only apply to sexual intercourse

"Consent applies in friendships, social media, and family. So, even if you are best friends or a very close family member, a 'no' is a 'no.' And ff there is no clear 'yes,' respect their boundaries and listen."

Posted April 2021

By Eva Wu

Staff Reporter

Consent does not only apply to sexual intercourse.

Yes, it is very important to have two partners consent before engaging in any sexual activity. Although it is a prominent use of this concept, it is not exclusively tied to it. Consent applies in friendships, social media, and family. So, even if you are best friends or a very close family member, a "no" is a "no." And ff there is no clear “yes,” respect their boundaries and listen.

But what is consent? Consent is informed permission or agreement to the proposal or desire of someone. It is freely and clearly given. With that, I will be talking about consent specifically in friendships. It is somewhat overlooked and some of the same reasoning in non-consensual actions are “we’re friends.” Friends should respect each other’s answer if refusal was the result. Even if there was no clear answer, it is obvious to not act as you wish without a “yes.” You are being a good friend doing so.

Stretching on this topic, it is significant to keep in mind that not all individuals are comfortable with information about themselves being revealed to another. Even as it was discussed within a group, it doesn’t necessarily permit spilling that information out to another, whether it be childhood memories, artwork, written work, or any other personal information they’ve shared. Not every individual wants information about them being exposed, even if it doesn’t seem much of a big deal.

Physical contact. Even if it was not motivated by any sexual intentions, keep in mind not everyone wants to be touched regardless of how close you are with them. It is best to check how comfortable they are with physical contact privately and publicly. For example, not everyone likes hugs, and it is best to respect their wishes if they refuse a hug. You should force them if they’ve stated they are not okay with it. The amount of physical contact does not always determine if the person cherishes you as their friend or not.

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” - Lucius Annaeus.